Create Your Own Kpop Cup Sleeve
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How To Make A Kpop Cup Sleeve & Print It!

Design and print your own unique Kpop cup sleeves with our step-by-step guide!
Dustin Hodgson
Published Sep 26, 2020
Update: This post was originally publish on February, 7 2020. *** If you are designing your cupsleeve in Photoshop, please find our template and step by step instructions here. In 2019 we saw a huge increase in the number of cup sleeve designs being created on our website. The reason for the increase? Kpop cup sleeve events! We have to admit, we never saw this trend coming, but we're glad it came! In case you're not familiar with Kpop, I'll share what I've learned so far. Kpop or K-pop is a genre of music originating in South Korea (the "K" stands for "Korean"). Just like any music industry, Kpop has famous stars, and these stars have fans all around the world! What is kpop These fans celebrate the birthdays of their Kpop stars, anniversaries of their favorite Kpop band, and so much more. At some point, a group of fans decided to put together a "Kpop cup sleeve event." That first one must've been a hit, because their popularity has taken off! If you do some searching on Twitter, you'll find that these gatherings have their own hashtag ( #cupsleeveevent ) and there are also a few Twitter accounts dedicated solely to regional events, like this one for Cupsleeve Malaysia! You'd probably think that I, as a 35 year-old man from North Dakota, would be pretty far removed from this trend, but here I am! I love graphic design, and the Kpop cup sleeve designs I see created are super unique from what we normally have coming through our online editor. The designs are not only creative, but they're fun, colorful and really well done! Take this one for example: [caption id="attachment_5755" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Designed by Marie | @yxjkook[/caption] Okay, now that we're more familiar with this trend, we felt we needed to put something together to help people understand how they can create their own Kpop cup sleeve in our editor. The best way we thought we could do that is with an infographic that explains how to make a Kpop cup sleeve with MyCreativeShop. The Kpop community is passionate and very creative, so we hope this infographic helps everyone in this community find an easy and fun way to get their Kpop cup sleeve printed and designed. If you're ready to start designing, jump over to our blank cup sleeve templates and design your own Kpop cup sleeves. Or if you are creating your design in photoshop, please find our template and step by step instructions here.

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