Create Your Own Campaign Door Hanger
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10 Creative Campaign Door Hanger Ideas that Get Out the Vote

Engage voters with innovative and attention-grabbing campaign door hanger ideas!
Natalie Peterson
Published May 16, 2024

When it comes to political campaigns, getting your message out to voters is essential. While traditional methods like yard signs, flyers, and posters are effective, there's one often overlooked tool that can make a big impact - campaign door hangers. These clever and creative door hangers have the power to catch the attention of potential voters, convey your message, and ultimately get out the vote.

In this post, we'll explore ten creative campaign door hanger ideas that are sure to make a lasting impression.

1. Puzzle Piece Door Hangers

Engage voters in a fun and interactive way with puzzle piece door hangers. Each door hanger contains a piece of a larger puzzle. As you distribute them to voters, encourage them to collect the pieces and complete the puzzle by casting their vote. This creative approach not only grabs attention but also encourages voter participation.

2. Issue-Focused Door Hangers

Focus on the issues that matter most to your constituents by creating door hangers that highlight specific policies or initiatives. Whether it's education, healthcare, or the environment, a door hanger that clearly outlines your stance on an issue can be a persuasive tool that resonates with voters.

Mayor Campaign  3db8e4frd7  Side 1 Image Mayor Campaign  3db8e4frd7  Side 2 Image
Mayor Campaign Door Hanger Template
4.25" W x 11" H Door Hanger
Campaign Mayor  vswf7s8cz4  Side 1 Image Campaign Mayor  vswf7s8cz4  Side 2 Image
Campaign Mayor Door Hanger Template
4.25" W x 11" H Door Hanger
Mayor  9qcebcsoys  Side 1 Image Mayor  9qcebcsoys  Side 2 Image
Mayor Door Hanger Template
4.25" W x 11" H Door Hanger
Mayor  k0oxsss0tt  Side 1 Image Mayor  k0oxsss0tt  Side 2 Image
Mayor Door Hanger Template
4.25" W x 11" H Door Hanger
Campaign  wx2prmapdc  Side 1 Image Campaign  wx2prmapdc  Side 2 Image
Campaign Door Hanger Template
4.25" W x 11" H Door Hanger
Mayor  rslex4iwr1  Side 1 Image Mayor  rslex4iwr1  Side 2 Image
Mayor Door Hanger Template
4.25" W x 11" H Door Hanger

3. Personalized Door Hangers

Show voters that you care about them on an individual level by personalizing your door hangers. Include the recipient's name and address, along with a personalized message from you. This personalized touch demonstrates your attentiveness and can make a significant impact on voters.

4. Interactive Door Hangers

Get voters actively involved in your campaign with interactive door hangers. Include a QR code or a URL that leads to a survey or a poll. This engagement tactic not only captures the attention of voters but also provides valuable data that can inform your campaign strategy.

5. Stick-On Door Hangers

Make sure your campaign message sticks by creating door hangers with adhesive backing. Voters can easily stick them to their fridge or front door, ensuring that your message remains visible throughout the campaign period. This practical approach increases the chances of your campaign message being seen repeatedly.

School Board Campaign  rgns2724f5  Side 1 Image School Board Campaign  rgns2724f5  Side 2 Image
School Board Campaign Door Hanger Template
4.25" W x 11" H Door Hanger
School Board Campaign  uu7tw10n31  Side 1 Image School Board Campaign  uu7tw10n31  Side 2 Image
School Board Campaign Door Hanger Template
4.25" W x 11" H Door Hanger
School Board Campaign  hmeo8tdmhy  Side 1 Image School Board Campaign  hmeo8tdmhy  Side 2 Image
School Board Campaign Door Hanger Template
4.25" W x 11" H Door Hanger
School Board Campaign  tgs94detdj  Side 1 Image School Board Campaign  tgs94detdj  Side 2 Image
School Board Campaign Door Hanger Template
4.25" W x 11" H Door Hanger
School Board Campaign  m0m7cf98bp  Side 1 Image School Board Campaign  m0m7cf98bp  Side 2 Image
School Board Campaign Door Hanger Template
4.25" W x 11" H Door Hanger

6. Door Hangers with Tear-Offs

Give voters the ability to easily share your campaign message with others by including tear-off tabs on your door hangers. These tabs can contain your contact information or a specific call to action, making it effortless for supporters to spread the word about your campaign.

7. Eye-Catching Graphics and Colors

Grab attention with bold and eye-catching graphics and colors. A visually appealing door hanger will stand out from the rest and attract the interest of passersby. Use compelling visuals that reflect your campaign's theme and message.

8. Inspirational Quotes

Motivate and inspire voters with well-chosen quotes that align with your political message. Whether it's a famous quote from a historical figure or a line from a speech you've given, incorporating inspirational quotes on your door hangers can make a lasting impact on voters.

Judge Campaign  aknshxtpdf  Side 1 Image Judge Campaign  aknshxtpdf  Side 2 Image
Judge Campaign Door Hanger Template
4.25" W x 11" H Door Hanger
Campaign  d8awmc9mbt  Side 1 Image Campaign  d8awmc9mbt  Side 2 Image
Campaign Door Hanger Template
4.25" W x 11" H Door Hanger

9. Door Hangers with a Call to Action

Don't forget to include a clear call to action on your door hangers. Whether it's reminding voters of the election date, asking them to volunteer, or urging them to spread the word, a strong and concise call to action will encourage voter engagement and action.

10. Local Flavor

Show your love for the community by incorporating local landmarks, symbols, or references on your door hangers. By showcasing your familiarity with the area, you establish a connection with voters and demonstrate your commitment to representing their interests.

School Board Campaign  rgns2724f5  Side 1 Image School Board Campaign  rgns2724f5  Side 2 Image
School Board Campaign Door Hanger Template
4.25" W x 11" H Door Hanger
School Board Campaign  uu7tw10n31  Side 1 Image School Board Campaign  uu7tw10n31  Side 2 Image
School Board Campaign Door Hanger Template
4.25" W x 11" H Door Hanger
School Board Campaign  hmeo8tdmhy  Side 1 Image School Board Campaign  hmeo8tdmhy  Side 2 Image
School Board Campaign Door Hanger Template
4.25" W x 11" H Door Hanger
School Board Campaign  tgs94detdj  Side 1 Image School Board Campaign  tgs94detdj  Side 2 Image
School Board Campaign Door Hanger Template
4.25" W x 11" H Door Hanger
School Board Campaign  m0m7cf98bp  Side 1 Image School Board Campaign  m0m7cf98bp  Side 2 Image
School Board Campaign Door Hanger Template
4.25" W x 11" H Door Hanger
Mayor Campaign  3db8e4frd7  Side 1 Image Mayor Campaign  3db8e4frd7  Side 2 Image
Mayor Campaign Door Hanger Template
4.25" W x 11" H Door Hanger

Closing Statements

Utilizing creative campaign door hangers can be a game-changer in your quest to get out the vote. These innovative and attention-grabbing ideas offer unique ways to engage potential voters and make a lasting impression.

Remember, every detail matters, so choose a design that aligns with your message and campaign theme and don't be afraid to think outside the box. Happy campaigning!

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